Policies and Procedures
I. New or established IV Patients
New patient: RN will collect new Patient Intake, Consent and IV Consent Form.
It is recommended to receive lab work for continuous IV therapy.
Upon first visit with patient, RN will review intake paperwork and perform brief assessment with emphasis on questioning for any known heart, liver or kidney disease.
Established Patients: RN will discuss perform pertinent physical exam
Blood pressure
Respirations and Pulse Ox
I. Aid patient in deciding on what benefits they are looking for and advise them on the IV or shot that most closely fits those parameters.
II. Discuss what to expect during IV and when to notify RN of concerns.
III. Make sure patient is nourished and well hydrated before and during the infusion.
5. Prepare IV per sterile technique
II. Starting a peripheral IV
The licensed provider orders intravenous therapy.
This order includes
Base solution with volume
Additives with volume
Flow rate
3. Identify patient and patients order
Label infusions with patient identifying information such as name/initials and solution name. DO NOT write on the bag with marker. Please write on tape that is stuck to the bag.
4. Vital signs will be taken before and after each infusion by the RN or medical assistant.
Report abnormal findings to the RN as soon as possible.
5. IV will be started by RN.
6. Restrictions on site of insertion
Do not attempt feet or legs without physician’s order.
Do not attempt a limb in which the axillary lymph nodes have been removed.
Any patient with a known history of blood clots is not a candidate for IV therapy
7. Attempting IV insertion
No more than two unsuccessful attempts may be performed without doctor’s authorization.
8. Documentation must be complete including but not limited to pre, post vitals, site, gauge, number of attempts, adverse SE, drip rate, start and stop time.
9. Site will be cleaned with approved aseptic technique using chlorhexidine scrub x1 minute until site is clear.
10. Apply tourniquet proximal to the selected puncture site on top of a thin layer such as shirtsleeve. Do not apply to tightly and remove immediately after use.
11. Make sure patient is hydrated and nourished before starting IV. Continue to hydrate during IV.
12.Check on patient status before each IV.
III. IV Therapy Complications
Speed shock
Cytokine storm
Flushing: due to magnesium: slow infusion
Lightheadedness: several factors from hydration, nourished, IV too fast.
Odd taste/smell: B-vitamins or DMSO in the bag. This is normal.
Soreness at the IV: infiltration or adjustments are needed in pH/osmolality of the bag
IV. Supplies
a. Tubing
Administration sets must have a minimum of 15-micron filter along with y-port access.
b. Catheters must be OSHA safety needles
c. Tegaderm
d. Anchoring tape
e. Appropriate sharps, gauze
V. Compounding
a. Any time more than 3 additives (2 in a bag) are added to a bag or syringe ISO 5 must be used.
b. Check dates for expiration
c. Check for correct dosage and correct medication/additive
d. General mixing order
1. Use single access devices when possible
2. Utilize gloves, gown, or mask
3. Should occur within 1 hour of patient arrival and no later.
4. Minerals should be added first and vitamins/amino acids last.
Zinc and MTE always first and agitate bag
Vitamins and amino acids next
Methyl-B12 should always be added last and only right before IV insertion.
DMSO should always be added only right before IV insertion
VI. Complications
Ecchymosis and Hematoma: Localized mass of blood outside the vessel wall
1.Nicking vein during venipuncture
2. Discontinuing IV cannula/needle without pressure over site and without adequate amount of time- at least 30 seconds
3. Applying a tourniquet too tightly, over previously attempted venipuncture site
4. Poor vessel integrity
Signs and Symptoms:
Discoloration at site
Site swelling and discomfort
Use indirect method for starting IV
Apply tourniquet just before venipuncture
Apply pressure after catheter/needle removed
Elevate extremity above the patient’s head to maximize venous return
Reassuring patient ecchymosis is short term
Infiltration: Infiltration of IV fluid or medication into the surrounding tissue outside the vein wall
Puncture of vein upon insertion of needle
Dislodgement of cannula
Signs and Symptoms:
Coolness of the skin around the site
Taut skin
Backflow absent
Infusion rate slowing, but continues to infuse
Make sure catheter or needle is in vein before infusing IV
Stabilize IV well with tape
Check IV frequently
Stop IV immediately and remove catheter or needle, dress puncture site/APPLY PRESSURE TO SITE FOR 1MINUTE
Apply ice if infiltration was detected within 30 minutes, otherwise apple warm compress
Elevate site about heart level
Extravasation: Infiltration of a medication into the surrounding tissue outside the vein
Signs and Symptoms:
Formation of blisters and subsequent sloughing of tissue leading to necrosis
Pain or burning at the site
Infusion stopped or slowing
Skin blanching or coolness
Choose best site for IV
Secure the cannula or needle well
Avoid too rapid infusion
Dilute medications correctly
Check IV site frequently
Make sure you are in the vein before infusing
Thrombosis: Trauma to the endothelial cells of the venous wall causes platelets to the vein wall leading to a formation of a clot.
Blood backing up into the IV system
Low IV flow rate limiting fluid movement
Location of IV
Obstruction of flow rate
Attempt at restarting fluid flow rate, after IV tubing dry for extended period of time
Trauma to wall of vein
Signs and symptoms
Pain at the site
Site warm to touch
Sluggish or no infusion rate
Manage flow rate
Check IV often
Choose micro drip tubing of 60 gtts/ml if a low flow rate is desired
Avoid joint flexion areas for IV placement
Use filters
Avoid cannulation of lower extremities
1. Discontinue IV and restart in an alternate location
(Different arm is preferable
2. Apply cold compress
3. Refer for medications such as urokinase
Phlebitis: inflammation of the intima of the vein due to mechanical, chemical injury or bacterial infection
Trauma to the vein with cannula or needle
Irritation due to type of fluid infused
Introductions of pathogens related to contaminated needle or site prior to insertion
Signs and symptoms:
Redness at the site
Local swelling
Palpable chord along vein
Site warm to touch
Sluggish infusion rate
Increased temperature
Don’t use a larger catheter or needle than necessary
Stabilize IV well
Dilute IV solution appropriately
Do not infuse IV too rapidly
Use filters such as 0.22 micron
Use appropriate pH for IV solutions
Use aseptic/ sterile technique and hand washing
Rotate IV site every 72 hours
1. Stop IV
2. Apply hot/cold compress
3. Give oral anti-inflammatory treatment
Allergic Reaction: Hypersensitivity to IV solution or materials used for infusing the solutions
Materials used in IV tubing and bag
Materials used in gloves
Reactions to solutions and additives to solutions such as preservatives
Signs and symptoms:
Tachypnea, SOB
Test dose before actual IV given via intradermal injection
Use glass vs. plastic containers
Have compounding pharmacist mix IV nutrients
Use preservative free compounds
1. Stop IV immediately
2. Use appropriate medications to treat allergic reactions.
Infection at Insertion Site
Site not cleaned well enough
Needle or cannula contaminated
Signs and symptoms:
Pain and tenderness at site
Redness at site
Swelling at site
1. Aseptic technique
2. Use of anti-microbial ointment at site
Discontinue IV
Clean site and apply anti microbial ointment
Venous Spasm: Vein spasm during insertion of IV and during or after infusion of fluid
Patient mental anxiety
Difficulty inserting cannula or needle
Irritation of fluid infused
Signs and symptoms:
Difficulty locating vein after insertion of cannula or needle
Pain at site
Warm IV site prior to starting IV
Release and reapply tourniquet
Dilute any medication used
Slow IV rate
Use warm pack during treatment
Circulatory Overload: Infusion of excessive amounts of sodium solution
Too rapid infusion of sodium solution
Too rapid infusion into a patient with cardiac or renal disease
Signs and Symptoms:
Tachypnea, SOB
Puffy eyelids
Weight gain
Wide variance of intake and output of fluid
Distended neck veins
Rise in venous pressure
Monitor infusion rate
Do not catch IV up if it is behind
Monitor fluid volume in and out
Know patient’s health history
Decrease IV flow rate
Monitor Vital signs
Give O2
Raise head of chair or bed
Administer diuretic if necessary
Keep patient warm to promote peripheral circulation
Septicemia: General systemic infection
Poor technique
Pathogens entering at the IV site
Contaminated IV solutions or medications
Signs and Symptoms:
Chills followed by abrupt increase in patient temperature
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
General malaise
Abdominal pain
Aseptic technique
Check dating on all solutions
Check all solutions and equipment
Restart IV at alternate site
Initiate anti-microbial treatment
Monitor patient closely
Shock: Occurs when a foreign substance, usually medication, is rapidly introduced into the circulation
To rapid IV push or drip
Medication not diluted properly
Signs and Symptoms:
Tightness in chest
Irregular pulse
Progression of shock
Reduce the size of drops of medications by using a micro drip set
Know the appropriate dose/administration of medications
Know well what medications you are administering
Give antidote or resuscitation medications if needed
Have emergency equipment available
Call 911
VII. Allergic and Anaphylactic Reactions:
Initiate this procedure if any patient begins to have itching, swelling in tongue, throat or skin, wheals, persistent sneezing etc.
Immediately close roller clamp but DO NOT discontinue IV.
If patient is experiencing itching, swelling in tongue, throat or skin, wheals, persistent sneezing, oral 25-50mg of diphenhydramine may be used to suppress allergic reaction every 2-4 hours as needed. Max 300mg orally/day and 400 IV/IM.
If patient is experiencing significant shortness of breath and is in distress, administer Epinephrine as directed below and follow up with IM, IV or oral diphenhydramine.
If anaphylaxis is present and epinephrine is needed, call 9-1-1
IM administration of Diphenhydramine
Put on gloves of appropriate size.
Draw 0.5-1.0ml diphenhydramine into 1ml syringe.
Change needle to 25g needle.
Clean area of skin with two IPA pads in a circular motion moving outwards.
Insert needle at a right angle to the skin, to a depth of one inch (depending on depth to reach muscle.)
Depress syringe until contents have been completely infused into muscle.
Remove needle and apply pressure with gauze.
IV administration of Diphenhydramine
Put on gloves of appropriate size.
Draw 0.5-1.0ml diphenhydramine into 10ml syringe.
Draw up 0.9% to fill 10cc syringe.
Clean Y-site of IV line with IPA pad.
Insert needle into Y-site.
Depress syringe until contents have been completely infused.
Remove needle and reassess patient every 15 minutes.
Epinephrine Administration: Epipen
To use EpiPen auto-injector:
Form a fist around the auto-injector with the black tip pointing down. Pull off the safety cap.
Place the black tip against the fleshy portion of your outer thigh.
With a quick motion, push the auto-injector firmly against your thigh.
Remove the auto-injector from your thigh.
Epinephrine Administration Procedure:
Draw up 1:1000 Epinephrine 1cc syringe insert an 18g 1” needle on tip of syringe. Do not administer this dose on child less than 100 lbs.
With a 25g needle placed on the syringe, insert the needle at a 45-degree angle to administer the dose subcutaneously (use area easily accessible). Alternatively, administer the dose intramuscularly in the deltoid muscle.
Administer 0.2-0.5ml and remove syringe.
Draw up 1 vial of 50mg/ml Diphenhydramine and inject using sterile technique into the deltoid muscle.
If symptoms of anaphylaxis return, administer another 0.2-0.5 of the syringe.
Doses of Epinephrine should be 5-15 minutes and record them.
Check the patient’s vital every 10-15 minutes and record them.
Record dose and time of Epinephrine and Diphenhydramine administered.
Have a copy of these available to EMT upon arrival.
Fill out incident report including dose and times of any emergency medications given and frequency of vitals recording.
VIII. Needle Stick Procedure
At ReVitaLife Wellness, LLC, we maintain safe needle techniques to help prevent needle stick injuries. In the event that a needle stick occurs please use the following procedure:
Within 15 minutes of the needle stick:
Contact medical director
Obtain the following information from the patient that the needle came from: vaccination status including tetanus and hepatitis B
History of possible exposure to blood borne pathogens
IV drug use
Unprotected sexual activity
Body piercing or tattoos
Receipt of blood and/or blood products
History of dialysis
Travel outside of the United States in the last year
Complete Incident Report
Patient testing
The patient will be tested for HIV 1 and 2 antibodies and Hepatitis C
The testing will be completed at Labcorp or PCS.
If on site testing is available then an on site test will be performed.
RevitaLife Wellness, LLC will pay for this testing.